Training and Obedience

Training your pup is crucial for you and your pets' high quality of life. Make sure to spend the necessary time and resources to teach your pet all the do's and dont's of everyday life. Setting boundaries for your dog is not restrictive to their nature, rather respective to your co-existence. Dogs operate best within a well-defined social structure and if you establish yourself as the confident pack leader, your dog will learn to trust and respect your commands. If you don’t manage to set the necessary boundaries, your dog will constantly challenge your authority. Your commands must be clear and to the point, demonstrating confidence in your voice and actions. Make sure to educate yourself ahead of time as to what you should accomplish before any training session and if you need more guidance, you should reach out to a professional trainer. However, even if you choose to work with a professional trainer, you mustn’t forget that training your dog means training and educating yourself as well. A dog can be well trained by a professional, but if you don’t follow their instructions and implement their techniques into your everyday interactions, your dog will continue to challenge your authority and disobey you. Commitment and consistency are key elements to a successfully trained dog.